Keeping you safe
We will be following the government’s and our professional body’s guidance on managing the risk of COVID-19 transmission in health care settings by:
Pre-screening all clients before they attend each appointment and taking all reasonable steps to allow people to maintain a 2m distance in the clinic’s public areas.
Sanitizing the rooms and common areas in between clients with specialised equipment.
Taking all reasonable steps to protect you and our team at work, by using appropriate PPE, including providing face masks for clients*
Following cleaning, hand washing and hygiene procedures in line with guidance.
Staggering appointments and adopting new working practices. Doing everything practical to manage transmission risk where people are in closer contact.
These are all part of our ongoing COVID-19 risk assessment process.
Booking your appointment
We have fewer appointment types to allow appointments to be staggered
Appointments are currently available with Andrew, James and Mari
Check your email & mobile number are correct as we'll need to be able to contact you ahead of your appointment
You are able to book & pay online; however, if you normally receive a discount or are booking over the phone you will need to pay at your appointment by card/contactless.
*Please note we are not accepting cash*
Before your appointment
Please make sure you read the confirmation email carefully
We will send you a text message with a Pre-Appointment COVID-19 Screen form, please complete this on the morning of your appointment
Please bring a face covering to your appointment
Please bring a towel (to cover yourself with) and shorts (if you prefer) as these will not be supplied
When you arrive for your appointment
Please arrive at the time of your appointment
You must wear a face mask (we have masks if you have forgotten yours)
We will meet you at the front door and will be wearing PPE
You will be asked to use hand sanitiser on entering the building
We will take your temperature as a COVID-19 screen for fever
Other things we're doing to keep us all safe
We are sanitising our rooms by fogging with hypochlorous acid** after each appointment
We are screening all of our practitioners in regard to COVID-19 risk (including temperature) before each working session
We are observing all recommended hygiene procedures around handwashing, the use of PPE and the removal of clinical waste
**Hypochlorous acid, unlike chlorine bleach, is 100% safe and non-irritant. If it gets on your skin or in your eyes, it will not burn. Even if it were accidentally ingested, it is completely harmless. Yet, it is 70-80 times more efficient at killing microbial pathogens (bacteria and viruses) than chlorine bleach and won't stain or damage clothing
*PLEASE NOTE: As new information comes to light these procedures and working practices may adapt and change and may be different for Pilates and Yoga classes. Please contact us prior to your appointment if you have an medical exemption to wearing a face mask.