Yoga videos
Our wonderful team of instructors are pleased to provide a series of FREE videos available for your individual yoga practice at home. We also have a breathing practice to help you be centred and calm. Roll out your mat, find your block and begin to Rebalance.
Check back here for more resources as they come available.
The videos are happily offered as a FREE resource, however if you would like to make a contribution of which 100% will go to support our yoga instructors at this challenging time, you can do so here:
Enjoyed your free teacher-led yoga practice with Eryck, John or Pieter? Treat yourself to a 60 minute personal online 1-2-1 guided yoga class over a video call with Eryck or John, our experienced and friendly yoga teachers [Book your class today]
Yoga practice with Eryck | 10 mins
Our yoga instructor Eryck Brahmania guides you through a 10 minute yoga practice of flowing yoga sequencing with controlled breathing.
Do this 10-minute flow if you're short on time and just want to get moving! We will focus on standing postures moving continuously throughout as well as adding some core variations. You will leave feeling more centred and grounded and ready for the day ahead!
Yoga practice with John | 10 mins
Our yoga instructor John Pullin guides you through a 10 minute yoga practice targeted at releasing tension in the lower spine.
These are especially useful if you spend a lot of your time sitting down – working at a desk or commuting. Connect with your breath and use subtle movement to deepen your awareness of the more hidden sensations in your body.
Using about 60% of effort you’ll find this gentle approach soothing and restorative. These can be done at any time of the day. Suitable for all levels, especially beginners.
Yoga practice with Eryck | 30 mins
Our yoga instructor Eryck Brahmania guides you through a 30 minute yoga practice.
Move through a steady paced 30-minute flow containing sun salutations, standing postures focusing on opening the hips and shoulders and finishing with some supine postures. You will create physical strength and stability as well as feeling more energised. This short practice is one that you can do at any time of the day. Add a breath technique at the end led by John in one of our other videos for a well-rounded practice.
Yoga practice with John | 30 mins
A moderately paced Vinyasa Flow practice, focused on re-energising the body and connecting movement to breath. Begin with some spinal movements to create a sense of length before moving into a series of sun salutations. You’ll stretch out all the major muscle groups and strengthen the physical body.
You’ll feel a sense of grounding by challenging the balance and become more embodied through this dynamic and flowing sequence. Suitable for all levels
Yoga practice with Pieter | 30 mins
Our wonderful long-term yoga and Pilates instructor Pieter Symonds guides you through a 30 minute yoga practice.
An all round vinyasa flow class that incorporates a little challenge, a little rest, an extended hip opening sequence and begins with a seated breath work/grounding
Breathing practice with John
Be guided through a short Kapalabhati breath exercise. Known as skull shining breath, you’ll supply the brain with a fresh supply of oxygen-rich blood. The throat and lungs are cleansed, whilst also stimulating the abdominal muscles and organs. The exercise can leave you energised and uplifted.
Please note, it is advisable not to practice this breath If you are pregnant, have high or low blood pressure or any other issues with the eyes, ears or nose.