Pregnancy exercises. Second trimester, 13-28 weeks

As your pregnancy develops there is increasing physical adaption. The postural changes in the second trimester are more evident. From your 13th week the pelvic and tailbone positions start to transition to a forward tilt with the inward curve of the lower back and forward curve of the upper back increasing as the weeks go on. From week 24 or so, the change in your breasts size can lead to forward held shoulders and increased extension of your neck. Also, as your baby develops, they will push upwards, lessening the movement of your ribs and diaphragm, giving an increased possibility of symptoms of indigestion.

These exercises will help you further adapt to the physical changes and lessen potential discomfort.

Try to follow this set of exercises 3 times a week. The focus is on mobility and adaptation.
Tip: ensure your bra’s horizontal strap is not too tight and gives you adequate breathing room; and wear a loose top at night.

Pelvic and global spine mobility | cat/cow stretch (sitting)

Sit relaxed but with good upright posture on the edge of a stable chair. Have head over shoulders over pelvis. Do not hold your breath & relax through your abdomen. Take a breath in & out, and on the next breath IN draw in through your tummy button. Tuck your chin to your chest. Slowly bend and roll back from your sit bones (pelvis) to your tailbone (spine). As you breath in relax your abdomen lift your face/head to looking forward/neutral to your start position. Continue using long relaxed breathing.
Try for 20 movements.

Lower back mobility | side-bend (sitting)

Sit on the edge of a good stable chair. Sit relaxed but with good upright posture, think about having your head over your shoulders over your pelvis. Do not hold your breath and relax through your stomach/abdomen. Start the exercise by side-bending to one side. Try to stay in line and not lean forwards or backwards. You should come to a natural end of the bend, do not stretch or stain to go further, then return to the centre and go to the other side. Continue in a slow and harmonic rhythm. No rush! Try for 2 mins.

Neck mobility | multi-directions (sitting/standing)

Set a timer for 1 minute. Sit tall on a chair comfortably. Think about having your head over your shoulders, over your pelvis. Using your nose as a pointer, move your head slowly and gently so that you 'draw' a small figure 8 with your nose. This will involve moving through all the vectors of movement for the neck (flexion/extension, side bend right & left, and rotation). Keep your breath long and calm. Try for 2 sets of 1 min.


Shoulder backward shrugs (standing)

Shrug your shoulders backwards, squeezing your shoulder blades together. You will feel a contraction of the shoulder muscles and those between your shoulder blades. Place your hands palms towards the body as if you are putting your hands in your back pockets, Take a breath in and then reach downwards on a long out breath. Then clasp your hands together, index fingers pointing down, breath in and then reach downwards on a long out breath, trying to stay relaxed. Try for 2 sets of 5.

pelvic opening.jpg

Pelvic joints opening (standing)

Stand up against a wall with good comfortable posture. Place one arm/hand out at shoulder height, palm placed on the wall to give you balance. Lift your opposite hip, flexing to 90' with your knee also bent to 90'. Use your free hand on your knee to accentuate the stretch, bringing your knee/leg across your body. Hold for 4 seconds. Try for 2 sets of 3 on both sides


Diaphragm release (sitting)

Sit tall & comfortably, at the edge of a seat, knees over feet. Starting on the RIGHT, take your left hand to the bottom of your sternum, and using the little finger side edge of your hand find your rib cage. Then position your right hand so your hands are fingertip to fingertip so both hands are positioned along the ribcage edge. Lift your chest up and out away from your bump. Take a long breath in for about 6 seconds then as you breathe out through pursed lips (slow and long) ease your hand edges against the rib edge inside as if doming up and under towards your diaphragm. Stay relaxed and push into each breath. Try for 2 sets of 3, continue to the LEFT side.